The Fuel for Creative Vigor

Writing a book or creating a killer headline requires a special blend of imagination, inspiration, and knowledge. Whether the ordeal is like enduring a root canal or soaring on a cloud, depends on how upbeat you are. The fuel of creative vigor is enthusiasm.

It is practically impossible to create with a negative attitude. Unless you are excited about what you are doing it can be like climbing a mountain with lead shoes. If you are thrilled with your assignment, your motivation goes through the roof. You feel like you need to fasten yourself down to avoid soaring with the birds.

The obvious answer to being upbeat is to do what you have a passion for. We often think that we can go to school and learn to do anything we desire. The truth of the matter is that unless you choose something you have a talent for you will never be any more than mediocre.

Write when you are in an upbeat mood. Let your right brain set your imagination wild. Don