The Difference Between Knowing and Changing

There are seven stages of evolution human beings use to change. By understanding what these stages are and where you stand in the process will allow you to move through change with ease and grace.

Stage 1: You realize you want to change. There are two ways of going through life. One is choosing to change and move with the evolutionary process of life and the other is to sit in a place of denial that change isn't something you need nor want. Awareness is the key to any type of change but you also need to want to change yet also with the understanding that you are perfect where you are now. Wanting to change does not mean you are inferior, in fact, it means the exact opposite.

Stage 2: Know you can and do make a difference in whatever you do. And also be aware of those differences. No matter what you touch or do during the day, even if its in repetition, you are making a difference in your life, in others, and in the world. Even if its just a simple touch of a flower. Love the fact that you exist. Honor the difference you make every day in every way.

Stage 3: Understand that forward movement takes action. Not necessarily perfect action. And it isn't about just using conscious intellect. Your passions, your dreams, take discipline, dedication, decisions, and determined action. Even if that action is the smallest of small.

Stage 4: Acknowledge that you are continually