Bad Breath in Children: How to Ease the Embarrassment

Bad breath in children does occur, but how do you handle it? If an adult who unknowingly had chronic bad breath spoke to a group of friends, that group would probably not make it obvious. If a child with chronic bad breath is talking to a group of friends, chances are the group will not have the maturity to deal with it and will probably look away or fan their hand, acting in a way that makes the child with bad breath embarrassed. When bad breath in children does occur it is important to treat it and prevent further occurrences.

Something Stinks: Chronic Bad Breath

Ever wonder why someone with chronic bad breath went around talking to everyone, even in close circles? That is because the person probably had no clue they suffered chronic bad breath, since people cannot smell their own halitosis. During school and in after school activities children participate regularly in interacting with other students which is why bad breath in children should be treated immediately.

If you are not sure if your breath smells bad or not, ask a good friend to let you know. Bad breath happens to everyone at some point and there is nothing to feel ashamed about. You will often find yourself around someone with chronic bad breath, and just remember to that person with the same dignity you would like to be treated with.

What Causes Bad Breath in Children? Children, like adults, can develop halitosis a couple of ways.