Who Else Wants To Make $3546 By Simply Pressing a Button!

If you have been online for any length of time you have probably stumbled across many of the incredible claims of online marketing gurus making thousands of dollars just by sending out simple emails with the click of a button.

If you are like me, you are intrigued and want to learn exactly how these gurus make more money with a few minutes work, then most people bring home after working for an entire month!

To me it just didn't seem fair. So I set out to uncover the exact secret formula for creating what I like to call "cash on demand." Read on to find out the simple formula I uncovered.

I scoured the internet and started to find similarities in each of the guru's successes. The one common thread that ran through each of the dozens of success stories I researched was that each online marketer had created a huge email list of dedicated prospects and customers.

"But where do these lists come from? " I asked myself. So I probed deeper to find the answers. I was amazed at how simple the formula really is.

The key is that all these gurus have started online newsletters that people opt into. Opting in just means the subscribers have submitted their email address, and usually their name, asking to be placed on the newsletter subscription list.

By creating a newsletter these online marketing gurus have a reason to continually keep in front of their prospects and customers.

Once these gurus establish a relationship with their subscribers they start sending compelling offers to their list. The offers relate directly to the niche that they are in and as they have already proven themselves as an expert in their field, these offers bring them cash on demand with the click of their mouse!

Now an opt-in list is not about spamming people. It is about creating a list of people that have given you permission to email them. Creating an opt-in email list is really about finding people that are interested in the topic or niche of information in which your business is centered.

You too can copy what the gurus do and start earning online cash on demand for yourself. I believe that just about anyone can copy this system and achieve success with it.

As simple as this process is, it is the key to creating a huge list of people that are interested in what you are offering. Anyone can create a free newsletter and offer free information on their topic.

The best way to get people to subscribe to your newsletter is to use everyone's favorite word online