The Secret Spies Of The Future, The CIA In 2025, Sure They Look The Same?

The CIA robotic spies will look like you and I, talk, walk, eat, act and even make mistakes like us. But these will not be living, breathing organic humans. The Labs around the country are working on them now, by 2025 they will be everywhere. It is time to a have a serious discussion on artificial intelligence and the future of clandestine spies using artificial intelligence robotics.

Isaac Asimov had artificial organic robots in his books. We all saw the movie AI. Will we be fooled in the future by robots posing as people? Will we care? This might be a great opportunity for spying? Create a robot which looks and acts like a person and is controlled thru tele-robotics or constantly monitored thru sensors watching the target by TV Screen and putting in controls and feeding in topics of conversation? Realizing that this technology will be available in our lifetimes, should we be thinking ahead of how best to use this technology for CIA Clandestine efforts.

Today we have technologies such as putting a cell phone in someone