Is Anxiety Ruling Your Life?

Anxiety is the most frequently occurring mental health disorder in the United States, according to the US Surgeon General. There are millions of people who are diagnosed with it every year. A small amount of anxiety helps to get us going, but when it becomes more severe, it can be overwhelming. If you start feeling like it's more than it should be, you may want to visit a doctor for a clinical diagnosis. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has estimated that 19 million Americans aged 18 to 54 suffer from anxiety disorder every year.

Fear is generally the basis for anxiety disorders. All of us have felt its tingle before we do something that makes us nervous, such as making a public speech or going out on a first date. When that feeling becomes more constant and starts to invade our daily lives, then it has become a disorder and it's time to get some help.

One of the best known forms of anxiety disorders is a Panic attack. During a Panic attach, the person is suffering from a panic attack experiences a racing heart with pain, or a heaviness in the chest with shortness of breath. Generalized anxiety disorder is another common form, characterized by a persistent and excessive worrying which occurs longer than six months and is accompanied by symptoms like insomnia, muscle tension, poor concentration, and irritability. Those suffering from general anxiety usually don