How to Collect Physical Mold Growth Samples for Low-Cost Mold Laboratory Identification of Mold Spec

How to Collect Physical Mold Growth Samples for Low-Cost Mold Laboratory Identification of Mold Species

VANCOUVER, CANADA. Many property owners, apartment landlords, renters, employers, and employees want to know, and need to know, the precise identities of the various mold species infesting their moldy house, rental unit, or place of employment, according to Phillip Fry, Certified Mold Inspector and author of the book Do-It-Best-Yourself Mold Prevention, Inspection, Testing, & Remediation.

The accurate identification of mold species requires two steps: (1) physical collection of mold samples from the moldy building; and (2) mold laboratory analysis of the collected mold samples.

The least costly way to collect mold samples is the do-it-yourself approach carried out by gathering actual samples of mold growth to submit for mold laboratory analysis ($20.00 or more fee per sample analyzed).

Bulk Physical Mold Sampling

If a property owner or occupant sees mold growing on a wall, ceiling, floor, heating or cooling duct register, or any other surface, he can scrape mold particles off the mold growth area into a small ziplock bag. Collecting such a physical sample is