The Courage To Act

The world is full of people with great intentions. They dream about all the wonderful things they would like to have and do in their lives, as soon as they get around to it. They get ready, they get everything in order, and they even have plenty of opportunities. They set specific goals with detailed plans on how to accomplish them. They read books, listen to audio programs, and attend seminars in their field.

But, in most cases, little, if anything ever happens. Their plans never get off the mark. Weeks, months, and years pass by and very little happens for most of these people. They end up like the great majority of people, living lives of quiet desperation.

What separates successful people from those who are not? When you examine all the characteristics, qualities, and behaviors of successful men and women throughout history, they all found the key to success. It is simply this: People who are successful think, plan, and then they take action. People who are not successful, think, plan, but never take action. And in most cases, that