A happy customer pays and pays and pays

As in any business, not just an internet business,
it is extremely important to treat your customers like
the finest jewelry. You don't want jewelry to tarnish,
because its value will radically diminish. You also
don't want to tarnish your relationships with your
customers. They're the life-blood of your business
and will decide the overall success of your business.

Suppose you get two offers for a product that you're
interested in. Both are offering the same product, but
one is from a company that you've dealt with in the
past and also had a positive experience. Which
company are you going to buy from? The stranger, or
the business you had a positive experience with?

"What you reap is what you sow." The better you
treat your customers the more likely they are to
continue buying from you. While others may make a
quick profit by selling an inferior product with a high
mark up, you'll be much more successful in the long
run by offering nothing but the best service and
products to your customers.

Many marketers start out by offering a product or
service where they actually lose money. Why would
they do this? Well, they know that the real money is
in repeat sales.

Think about it. On the web, most marketers make
one sale out of every hundred visitors. Those
visitors may not trust you because of past bad
experiences on the web. Some may have clicked a
wrong link. Some may be curious but not certain if
they'll get their money back if they're not satisfied.

Now consider that you've been in business for five
years and have a long list of happy customers.
You do no work to attract your prospects, you have
their names and they look forward to receiving your
offers. They know you and trust you. They don't
think of you as a stranger but as someone who is
trying to enrich their lives. They know that if they
bought a product they're not happy with, you'd
insist they get their money back. Plus you know
exactly what kinds of products they want to buy.

You're doing NO WORK to attain these customers
and these are the people that will buy time and time
again. You won't have one in a hundred people
buying, you're numbers will be much higher and
your name will get spread around the web as
someone that's honest, fair and helpful, which will
encourage more people to buy.

Here are some rules and suggestions you should
always stick by if you truly want to be successful.
Some may overlook them and have some success
in the beginning. But, as time passes, those who
follow these rules from the beginning will prevail in
the years to follow.

* Only offer products that you would use yourself.
If your customer isn't happy with your product, you
probably loose all future sales.

* If your customer requests their money back,
don't get hostile and argumentative. Return the
money as fast as possible and with very few or no
questions. Even though they didn't like the one
product, they might order in the future because
they'll know that they will always be able to get
their money back without any hassles.

* Always respond to every e-mail ASAP!!!! I can
not stress this enough. I can't tell you how many
businesses lost me as a customer because of
lack of support. Try to answer every e-mail within
the day no matter how many you receive.

* Send out personal e-mails on special occasions.
If you know a customer's birthday, it costs very
little to send an e-mail and will really impress her
or him. It would be easy to have someone set up a
program to automate the entire process.

* It's always good to add special free bonuses with
your offers, but what about sending an extra secret
bonus that the customer doesn't know about. This
will really make you stand out above your

About the Author

John Karnish of
the Internet Marketing Professional website.
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