The Spectacular You

I recently received a letter addressed to Spectacular Rachelle Lee. At first I thought it was a joke. Who would write such a thing? I then thought maybe it was a mistake. Whatever it was, I knew it did not feel comfortable. It turned out to be an advertisement, for what I am not even sure. What I am sure of is that the way it was addressed caught my attention, and I realized how difficult it can be to own just how spectacular I am.

We are all spectacular, but how often do we own it? Would we really go around calling ourselves spectacular, brilliant or wonderful? But how many of us call ourselves other names? When you make a mistake, forget a friend's birthday, or in other ways act human, how often do you launch into names like stupid, idiot or worse? Those seem, in some ways, to be more comfortable words, but to call ourselves more positive adjectives is challenging.

I am guessing that most of us have a difficult time owning how spectacular we are because we were told things like