The Key to Creating Total System Empowerment

In this paper, I will:

1. provide a framework for creating total system power at all levels and in all positions;

2. describe the regularly recurring pitfalls that limit total system power, and

3. demonstrate how these pitfalls can be avoided in order for systems to realize their full potential.


An Empowered System

A system in which people at all levels and in all positions are able to make happen what they want to have happen and what the system needs to have happen

I. What is the fundamental business of all systems? Whether we are dealing with the family, a sports team, a division within the organization, the organization itself, or a nation, the fundamental business of all systems is survival and development, continuing their existence and realizing their full potential.

II. How do systems survive and develop? All systems interact with their environments. In these environments are dangers to be avoided and opportunities to be taken advantage of. Systems survive and develop by coping with dangers and prospecting among the opportunities.

III. How does each part of the system contribute to Total System Power? Each part of the system has its unique potential contribution to Total System Power. These potentials are often not realized for reasons described below.

Tops as Shapers. The unique contribution of Tops is to function as system Shapers. Tops shape the system by looking outward, studying the system