Articles: The Idea

----------------------------------------------------------- Articles: The idea!
By Dmitry Nanev (c)2001 -----------------------------------------------------------

The hardest thing here is coming up with the idea!

So today I'll show you how to come up with it and then - what to do with it.

I. Coming up with the IDEA Here are several places/ways of doing this:

1. Forums, discussion boards, chat, etc. Just watch what people are discussing and write and article about this. Of course be sure that you're an expert in what you're writing about! You can even use the posts as part of your article.

In case you don't know of much forums here are some. Note that they are all e-business oriented: - the open e-Biz forum

- Anthony Blake success forum - - ExpertsOnEbiz - - Entrepreneur's Discussion Board -
- The Profits With Information Discussion Board! -
- Treasure Chest Enterprises - - Publicity & Promotion Discussion Board -

2. Friends, emails, web sites, TV, radio, your own experience.
Just track what you see and hear. See what your friends are talking about, what's on TV, radio, etc.

Take notes of the most asked questions. I call this method the FAQ way. You use statistics and based on them you write articles.

Also why not use your experience. Did something interesting happen to you that you feel might interest the others? Here you have it!

3. Many ideas come up when you're writing something else. I can't really explain it but from my experience and from my friends I know that it's true. Just be ready for it!

4. E-books are a great source of ideas. May be there are some topics in the ebook you're reading that you might explain better? Then do it!

5. Other ways and places. I don't know about you but many of my ideas have come up at the shower:) Others when I'm walking. Just be ready for it and write it down because it may never come again!

II. What to do with the idea when it comes:

1. Be sure to WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY! As I said above - it may never come up to you again!

So a good idea is to have paper sheets everywhere at home and also to have a notepad and a pen with you. Who knows - it might come up when you're walking in the park for an example!

2. Make a brief content of it so you'll know what to write. Actually this article is based on this small plan. I told myself 'hey why not tell everyone how you're managing your ideas?!' So I wrote it down, made a brief content, research it, etc.

3. Research it. See whether it's a good one or bad. If it's bad - I don't see big sense of writing it. But if it's interesting(if people need it) write! Write! Write!

That's all for now!

Always with You towards Success! Dmitry Nanev