Not Fulfilled? Create Your Own Business

Why Create Your Own Business?

The attractiveness of creating an independent business and the motivating forces for doing so should be positive, but why you may ask is it so attractive to start your own business?

Not wanting to dwell on myself, I must in fairness must give you an indication of where "I am coming from" and why I feel so keenly about helping people who are looking at the prospects for going into business on their own account.

I trained as an engineer and worked initially in Research & Development. Gradually realising that there was a lot more to business I acquired additional skills through reading, courses and seminars and progressively gained experience working through line management in Customer Services, Sales and Commercial Departments steadily progressing up the Corporate Ladder.

Ultimately as a Company Chairman/CEO I led a Management Buy Out and left a number of companies in a far better condition than I found them. Learned a lot on the way.

At this stage I realised that life could be better if I went into business on my own account using my skills and experience.

1990 saw the founding of my own Business Consultancy Practice, helping individuals and business owners to achieve their goals. My life got better.

More job satisfaction through meeting and helping others of a like mind, more money and more control over my life and time.

Many others from a corporate background have also proved that the opportunities for ambitious individuals to independently succeed are now better than ever. The statistics also confirm it.

External conditions have changed so dramatically in the last 20 years that a new entrepreneurial age has dawned. Now is surely the time to work in your own business!

Why a new entrepreneurial age? Corporate Institutions have to go Global to compete and survive in the