Gone Fishing ???

When I was young, my Dad used to take me fishing. It didn't take too many trips out on that little motor boat to learn that the ocean is a very BIG place. Even though I knew there were millions of fish swimming around, there was no guarantee that we'd go home with a bucketful at the end of the day. We would have to use a variety of bait and fishing techniques to make a catch.

Marketing your business on the Internet is a lot like going fishing. There are millions of potential customers ("fish") surfing around out there, but there's no guarantee you'll hook any of them by the end of the day. Just like fishing, you'll have to use a variety of ads ("bait") and some marketing skills ("fishing techniques") to make a catch.

When we went fishing, my Dad taught me that to catch different kinds of fish, you needed to use different kinds of bait. Marketing online also requires you to use a variety of "bait", depending on the kind of "fish" you want to catch.

Your ads are your bait and you will need to use different ads to attract different customers. Writing ads is a skill you will definitely want to master before you "go fishing".

I've done a lot of research on how to write a "good" ad. But what the pros consider good and what actually works can be two different things. Sometimes what the experts might consider a bad ad is actually the one that works! That's because different writing styles appeal to different people.

Sizzle and razzle-dazzle ads work for some people, serene and sensible ones work for others. You may be always writing your own ads in the style that appeals to you as a buyer. Therefore, you