About Time

Relativity. It really really upset the whole scientific applecart for a while, but now it is generally accepted. I am told that time slows down the faster I go, relative to the people on Earth. The closer I get to the speed of light, the slower time moves. A particle of light travelling from the nearest star, Alpha Centuri, takes over 4 of our years to get here. But the particle of light is travelling at the speed of light and as such does not experience time. If the light could think, it would pop into existence as a result of the nuclear reactions in the star, then crash into the eye of the scientist looking at it through a telescope. It never even got time to think "OH...I'm off....wahey...what's that?...CRUNCH! The particle of light in our world existed for 4 years. The particle of light itself never had time to realise it existed. So if travelling at the speed of light slows down time to a standstill, what happens if I completely stop? Surely time would speed up? Well, here I am, there you are, totally at a stop. But my watch is telling me time is marching on steadily. But I am moving. I am sat on a planet's surface that is spinning. So I am moving relative to the core of the Earth. This planet is moving in an orbit around the Sun. So I am moving very quickly relative to the Sun. Our sun is towards the outer edge of the Milky Way, a vast galaxy of stars millions of light years across. This is spinning around its centre, we are moving incredibly fast relative to this as yet unknown centre. And our galaxy is moving very quickly away from countless other galaxies in our universe. This moving away is so fast it causes light to change colour, the "Red Shift" Doppler Effect. Our current belief is that at the start of our universe, there was a big bang. This explosion sent the energy and matter of our universe outwards like a balloon being inflated. As such the universe is still spreading out at an alarming rate. But, if we are to achieve a complete stop, relative to the universe, we would need to come to rest at the centre of the universe, the point at where this big bang happened. If we did, would time not speed up, infinitely? Conceptually the time we know and understand is the time we experience here on our planet. We measure everything else by the time here. Even in relativity we measure changes in time relative to the time that is fixed here. So, if we came to rest at the centre of the universe and time speeded up infinitely, then we would not be able to witness the birth, growth, spread and final demise of our universe. It would happen infinitely quickly. This reminds me of the particle of light. It existed for 4 years relative to our time, but for no time at all relative to itself. The time the universe exists is zero, relative to the universe itself. So, perhaps movement is that which creates time. If you are not moving at all, time passes infinitely quickly. If you are moving at the speed of light, time passes infinitely slowly. Movement is also I believe responsible for another unexplained force, that of gravity. We can create gravity in the weightlessness of space by spinning whatever object an astronaut is in. This gravity is created by constantly changing the direction the astronaut is moving. Imagine the traditional space ring, such as in James Bond's Moonraker. By spinning the ring everyone could be centrifuged to the outside of the ring, creating an artificial gravity. Imagine a person stood in that ring. The rotating force is trying to spin the person off into space, the force holding the ring together stops that from happening. As the person stands stationary inside the ring, relative to space they are constantly changing direction as the ring rotates. Given that changes in direction create gravity, and without movement we have no time, are these things not tied together? I believe time is a force, a real, measurable force. The movement of time is in the spinning of the universal bodies. And spinning creates gravitational forces. Don't quote Newtonian Physics, Einstein re-wrote all that. Don't think like we always do, as our world being the centre of everything, it is not. There is an answer here, waiting to be found. An answer to understanding time, gravity, force, energy, mass and everything else. I am no scientist, mathematician, genius or wizard. But I can see a pattern here, I just don't have the tools to understand it.