Avoide the Hype!

Avoid the Hype!

It seems as though you can't click twice on your mouse without someone informing you that you're about to make $25,000 in the next 3 days, all without lifting a finger.

Swell! You might as well head to the beach to work on the tan, because when you get back, you're going to be rich!

Unfortunately, nothing in life is that easy, ESPECIALLY making your living online. There are so many people out there who are trying to make their way, just like you.

That doesn't mean you should be discouraged. On the contrary, it should encourage you, because, obviously, there is gold at the end of the web-rainbow--or we all wouldn't be working so hard to mine it!

But there are some things you can do to safeguard yourself (and your wallet) from those less than savory marketers the next time you're tempted by an amazing offer:

1) If Joe Marketman is making $36,000 a month like his website boasts, why is he selling his program for $4.00 on Ebay?

If he were indeed making that much dough, he would be protecting his business with his life, not giving it away for the cost of a double-latte!

2) If someone tells you that you can make huge sums of money without working, selling, marketing, breathing or blinking--run! These type of claims usually result in you working harder and spending more cash than you'd like to.

3) If someone offers to sell you a "turnkey website" that is hosted on a free hosting account, you'd be better served getting a paper-route.

This also goes for a site that looks like it was designed by Coco the gorilla!

4) Finally, the old adage still remains: If it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is.

But like I mentioned, you should be far from discouraged. In the next issue,I'll explain why you should be very excited to start your business.

Till then, to your success!
