BEFORE The Apple

Do you believe in a Promised Land?

Before the serpent tempted Adam & Eve with the Apple,
they were successful. In the Garden, life was good.
Abundance was present and their love for one another
burned brightly.

Let's go back!

Is your attitude right? Do you respect others more than
yourself. I am not saying to be in denial, only to examine
yourself enough to be humble.

Instead of putting yourself down, lift others up ... care
for them. As you help them to be lifted mentally,
emotionally, spiritually and financially ... you will be
lifted along with them in the rising tide.

Adam & Eve had lifestyle ... fruit, beauty and abundance.
An eternal love that shined until sin stepped in. Can you
go back and have that lifestyle? Choosing this lifestyle
is an option. You can have anything you want in life.
You just can't have everything. What is your Garden
like? Do you want to design it now, to reap benefit from
the satisfaction of completing a process started as far
back as when time began?

Your Garden of Eden can be created.

If you will take the time to figure out the environment
that God created for you, put the necessary plan into
action to create the Garden and live a life that you were
brought into being for.

Nobody really wants to endure the "grunt" work involved
to live the Dream. However, the alternative is to pass
regret and shame on down to your children and their
children. By not reaching for the best that life has to
offer, only short-lived pleasure will prevail. There will
be nothing to show for the years gone by and the
legacy which was not accounted for and learned
from, will have been for nothing.

It's time to go back to the land ... the time is at hand.

Contributed by Ed Hirsch
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