Free Trade, Outsourcing, Protectionism and Reality Check

Recently on C-SPAN, there were two gentlemen debating free trade one from the CATO Institute for free trade. Yet he failed to mention the real problem, the lawyers, over regulation and government bureaucracy. They seem to be under the impression that Americans did not want to work in manufacturing jobs? What on Earth was he thinking? If the CATO Institute, a conservative free enterprise think tank, is going to go on National Television and debate free trade, surely they have more depth to understand the plight of the manufacturers in this country.

We need all kinds jobs and if we are going to import, then we need to export too. If we export we must maintain proper relations and import from those reciprocating countries. When we lower tariffs and those countries we trade with raise them, we lose. When we raise tariffs they lose. When someone loses through unbalanced trade deals or through trickery they are disrespected. Modern human psychology indicates that when people are disrespected they want revenge and that is very problematic when we are talking about whole nations or trade groups of many nations. So there could be a second reciprocal response from damaged party if they indeed have had their feathers ruffled. In trade negotiations there might be a third and a forth-reciprocal response and this is a lot like a war isn