Droughts Dams and Duty to Conserve Water

Hydroelectric power and water supply issues:

As the water flows down rivers it is often used to generate our electricity and accounts for less than 20% of our electricity on the grid, in South America is over 80%. Washington State is also about 80% from hydro along the Columbian River with Bonneville Power. If we look at Niagara, Columbia River, Colorado River, Grand Coulee Dam, Tennessee river Valley Authority and Roosevelt Dam. Tesla, the great inventor of hydro-electric power, would be proud of these accomplishments, but remember if we are not careful with supply then we cannot afford to allow the waters out of the dams and therefore the energy costs will increase. Currently the drought in the Northwestern part of the United States is somewhat alarming as usually in Washington and Oregon State it starts raining about October 15 and continues every day for six months. Not this year. The jet stream bypassed them and headed downward and crossed land in Southern California. Current the desert is alive with life and in full bloom, which is beautiful indeed but quite different to the Yucca, Cactus and sagebrush that is normally there. The tumbleweeds are green, blooming and happy; they are not going anywhere.

Water Flow and the flow of water therefore is crucial to not only the life on the surface of the planet but also to the energy flow that powers up all we know. Twenty Percent of our nation is powered up by hydro-electric power, that is a lot, if we fail to use water efficiently or fail to conserve and build up stream reservoirs until needed, we will find ourselves in a bad position, trading life of species of fish and our power for water to live. Start conserving water today. Think about it.

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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