Soul Mates - Finding True Love and Commitment

Finding your true Soul Mate is something that many people hope to do. We all long for that one special person in our lives to make everything wonderful. We want to live the fairy-tale life and find our very own Prince or Princess Charming. We know that somehow that would make our lives complete.

Finding that one true love, someone that we want to be with for a lifetime, can be a difficult task. We seem to find more frogs than princes while on that eternal quest for true love. Perhaps there are a few things that we have either overlooked, over-glamorized, or misunderstood.

Think for a minute. What qualities do you think that the love of your life, that perfect Soul Mate, would possess? Would they love you unconditionally, put you on a pedestal, take away all of your tears, make you happy, make you feel secure, and bring you fulfillment? Ah yes, that would be sweet, and very nice, indeed.

But let me ask you, what qualities would that Soul Mate you seek find in you at this very moment? Have you done an honest critique lately of your strong points and your weak points? Perhaps you should, because there is a Universal Law that says "Like Attracts Like".