Landing Page XPress PRO (Product Review)


Landing Page Xpress PRO - Beat Google's policy change against URL sharing and profit now more than ever with AdWords & AdSense! Instantly beat Google's policy change of January 6, 2005 against URL sharing, profit even bigger and better than ever before with Google's AdWords and AdSense, plus 30 additional income streams.

Landing Page Xpress PRO allows you to instantly beat Google's policy change of January 6, 2005 against URL sharing. Till then, anyone could have just joined almost any affiliate program and set up an AdWords account with Google and profit (and as outlined in Chris Carpenter's ebook "Google Cash") But all that changed when on January 6, 2005, Google announced its new policy change against URL sharing by parent companies and their affiliates.

What this meant was something literally earth-shaking (rather "Web-shaking" - more accurately!)

This meant the elimination of about 98% of all affiliate programs using Google AdWords that were not prepared for this. The ONLY way to beat Google's new policy is to first create a landing page (or splash page as it's often called also) - and then redirect from that same landing page to whatever affiliate sites you are enrolled in as an affiliate.

We at My Net-Marketing Center quickly got on the ball and developed Landing Page Xpress PRO soon after this announcement, and where you can get an instant complete web site business in just hours - completely set up with multiple income streams already in place.

Plus, each Landing Page comes complete with its very own Electronic Sales Manager (ESM) so that arriving visitors can sign up FREE for our newsletter, yet inside each issue, all your visitors are directed to return back to your Landing Page ( not to our sites!)

Additional income stream features include:

See these examples:

Landing Page Xpress PRO in highlights:

What Landing Page Xpress PRO will do for you?

Click here to get it now!