I Can't Believe My Parents Called Me That!

I've known plenty of people with odd names in my life. There's James C. Bond, Richard Small (Dick Small) and even an Elvis. None of them have, as far as I'm aware, killed or disowned their parents yet, but that doesn't mean there's not still time for it. These people have to listen to the same jokes off close to everyone they meet: it's only a matter of time before one of them does snap. Of course, for all the new generation of Brittanies, Cocos, Darths and Beyonces there is a way out. It might seem drastic but changing your name by deed poll or statutory declaration is a realistic and easily achievable option. For a very reasonable price countless internet companies can see you through the process, with advice on any confusion that may arise. Yes, your parents might get upset and your friends be confused at first, but sometimes anything is better than a lifetime of bullying, sniggers and misery. Things your parents should have very much thought about before choosing your name to begin with. Of course, it's always wise to think before making the other move too. I know someone who changed her name by deed poll to the fictional heroine of Gaston Leroux's "The Phantom Of The Opera" Christine Daae. Oh well, there's no accounting for taste!