When Your Passion Becomes An Obsession

So, you're looking into the world of Home Businesses. Well, Congratulations! I truly think that the "home business arena" is the wave of the future. With the rising gas prices ( congrats to Exxon for 'record profits' this past quarter!) , and with what's called "outsourcing" (I like to call it "sell out sourcing"), causing thousands of people to lose jobs - I am sure that working from home will become the norm. As you're looking at your vast array of choices for a home business, let me tell you what to watch out for. Don't let your enthusiasm, excitement, and passion of being your own boss, turn into an obsession. I've seen this happen to many, many people through the years. They go from being stressed about their finances, to being stressed from over work! If they don't catch themselves and rethink "why" they are doing this to begin with, they will almost always fail. My first suggestion is to remember "why" you want to work from home to begin with. Number one, you need an income. But also, you want to be available to your family. You want to go to all of little Johnny's football games and little Debbie's dance recitals. You've decided that you don't want your kids put into daycare. You may need to take care of a loved one and can't find a boss flexible enough to let you do this. It might be that you are physically not able to hold down a full time job. If you find that you are breaking your own rules and working through a football game or dance recital, or if you're still taking your kids to daycare to get your work done, aren't you defeating the purpose of staying home to begin with? That is a sign that your "new business" may be becoming an obsession. What I have seen is that people start comparing their new business to their old job. In a regular job, you get paid weekly. Money is coming in virtually right away. In a business of your own, you may not see any profit for a while. Some times, you only get a monthly commission check. People then start to get anxious and work longer hours to try to get more money. It seems logical to them at the time. Then they become a workaholic and are missing all the games, dances, recitals, family time. They quit going to family functions because they need the peace and quiet to work while the rest of the family goes off for the day. Then they start taking their kids to daycare to get a few more hours of work in during the day. Or worse yet, they put their little darling in front of the DVD player and let them watch t.v. all day long, so "Mommy or Daddy can get some work done." Now, the family is starting to resent the business. They hate it that you're on the phone all day, or the computer all night. They hate that you lock yourself in your room all the time. Finances are going from bad to worse because you're "investing" in leads or advertising. It becomes a catch 22. If you slow down, so will the money, if you work harder, you'll lose your family. My suggestion is very simple. Don't start up a home business when you're desperate for money. If you need money right away, get a job. Even if it's part-time and you work your own business part time. At least you have some money coming in. Also, the next thing, and this is VERY important. Make a SCHEDULE. Have "work hours" and stick to them! Adjust the hours to coincide with your family's schedule. If your kids don't get up til 9:00am work from 7am-9am. If the kids take a nap during the day, schedule that time for work. If they go to school, make those your work hours. Does your family have favorite t.v. shows they watch at night? Schedule in a couple of hours at that time. Be flexible and keep your family the top priority. If you do that, you will be geared towards long term success. The absolute worst thing you can do, and it will kill your business before it ever gets off the ground, is to have your family resent you and feel like they come second to your "new home business". Sit your family down and discuss with them what you are going to be doing, what it involves, and what THEY can do to help YOU. Your family wants you to succeed, but not at the cost of feeling second or even worse. Find a business that is "family-oriented". Find something that everyone can take part in. There is nothing better in life than having a successful home business that incorporates your family - not excludes them. Good luck in your future endeavors.