10 Ways To Make Money With Information!

10 Ways To Make Money With Information!

by Larry Dotson

1. Provide free, original content on your web site or
in your e-zine. You can make money from people
who want to advertise.

2. Charge a fee for your web site's content or e-zine.
You could charge a one time fee, monthly fee or a
yearly fee.

2. Bundle your content together in an e-book format.
You could sell it as a download, on a disk or on a

3. Publish a free e-book that other people could give
away. You could make money by advertising your
other products in the ebook.

4. Sell the reprint rights to your information product.
You could sell the rights to resell it and the rights to
resell the reprint rights.

5. Charge a fee for your advice or expertise. Send
it out via e-mail. You could charge a one time fee or
a monthly fee.

6. Ask for money to keep your information free. Try
to set up some kind of donation fund. This only works
if you have a loyal audience.

7. Offer people part of your information for free in
return for them agreeing to buy in the future. Ex: "2
FREE eBooks If You Buy Just 1 In A Year"

8. Give part of your content or e-book away as a free
sample. Advertise the whole ebook inside the free
e-book. If they like the sample they will buy.

9. Write articles and submit them to e-zines and web
sites. You could charge businesses for mentioning their
web site in your articles.

10. Summarize and link to other content online. You
can make a membership site, ebook or report out of
them. Just get the copyright holders permission first.
1000 Ways To Sell Your E-Information Products just
visit: http://www.ldpublishing.com As a bonus, Bob
Osgoodby publishes the free weekly "Your Business"
Newsletter - visit his web site to subscribe and place
a FREE Ad! http://1-webwiz.com