Linking Made Easy

Everyone who manages or builds websites knows how exchanging links can be time consuming. You must invite people to link to you and other webmasters, ask you to link to them. Link exchanging is one of the slower tasks you must do as a webmaster or your website will float in space with know one ever knowing that you exist! I can't over emphasize the importance of search engine optimization. The more websites that you link to, the better your website ranking will be. One important fact is that 90% of all websites have 10 or less links to them, thus meaning that 10% of all websites get all of the internet's traffic while the rest are left in internet space. If you are new to website optimization then my new found linking strategy will help you get started without the time consuming emailing webmasters back and forth. And to us who have been doing website optimization what a great relief of hours during the week. I discovered a new company who takes link exchanging to the next level. LinkMa Your entire linking process is fully automated thanks to the people behind LinkMaster. There are currently as of this article 6,691 subscribers to their linking service. What does this mean to you as a webmaster? What this means is that your website will be linked to 6,691 other websites immediately upon signing up for there service. I have been with them now for just a couple of months and have seen my website traffic increase and my page rank increase. If you are interested in increasing your web presence then I recommend you give LinkMa a serious look! LinkMa is a unique link exchange service unlike any other on the Internet. They are the original automated linking service. Their system works exactly the opposite of most other link exchange services. Instead of requiring you to submit individual link exchange requests one-by-one to all of their members, they instantly add your website link onto all of their 6,691 member's websites immediately. Then they let you decide which types of websites that you do not wish to exchange links with (if any) by using their special filtering system. Their link exchange directory is maintained by a team of human editors to ensure that the websites in the network comply with their standards. This company has got a winner and it is totally hosted by their servers. Your link pages are either in asp or php format, which has very easy setup instructions included .