Put the "network" back in Network Marketing.

Every successful business must have customers. By it's very definition, Network Marketing is about moving a product through your network. The product in this case is two-fold. There is the physical product that your company distributes for you to sell, and there is the business itself. Whether you want to be a retailer of product, or a recruiter for your business, you need to have an ever expanding network of people to present either your retail product, or the business to. When I am working with, and training, people to be successful in this business, the one question I ask is this, "How many new people have you spoken with today? The answer to this simple question will tell me just about everything I need to know about how I can help this person move forward. Picture the following scenarios: Mary, "I am having a hard time selling product" How many new people did you talk to today? Peter, "My team isn't growing the way I would like it to." How many new people did you talk to today? John, "I would like to be earning $2000 a week." How many new people did you talk to today? Ellen, "I don't know what to say to people on the phone." How many new people did you talk to today? George, "I want to grow an international business." How many new people did you talk to today? Maria, "I have 3 new business partners this week!" How many new people did you talk to today? Allison, "I sold $800 in product this week!" How many new people did you talk to today? Well, you get the picture. Based on the answer to this question, I know which areas I need to focus on for training. If my team member is talking to many people a day, and not getting the results I would expect, then this person may need training in the area of presentation. If she is talking to only a few people a day, and getting a sale or a new business partner with every call, then I can learn from her techniques, and perhaps have her do training with the rest of the team. I work my business full-time. I have a personal goal to speak to 20 new people every single day, 5 days a week. This is completely aside from follow up calls, and team member coaching. New people are people I have not spoken to before about the business or product. For my business partners who want a part time business, I recommend they speak to no less than 5 new people every single day. There are an unlimited number of ways that one can find new people to speak to. The bottom line is, whether you are buying leads generated by a reputable lead firm, or generating your own leads through personal or internet contact, you need to make sure you have a steady stream of new people to speak to. Talking to new people every day helps you grow in so many ways. You have an opportunity to develop interpersonal skills. You can refine your phone technique, develop relationships, gain confidence, try out new scripts. All of things require practise, and through new people you gain valuable experience and insight into your own character, and others. You learn what works for you and what doesn't, and you also learn much about others, and how different people accept or reject what you are saying. The only way you can gain this valuable experience is by talking with new people. Success in Network Marketing requires that you have a steady stream of new people to speak to. Put the "NETWORK" back into network marketing, and watch your business grow!