A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 1

I rarely hear about the role of the Heart or the power of Love as relevant determinants of human health or spirituality. This was particularly highlighted at a recent energy psychology conference in which a keynote presentation on the topic of Enlightenment seemed to focus almost entirely on achieving altered states of consciousness. I could feel my heart crying out inside me how incomplete this felt.

Also at a breakout session where an energy therapy was being presented as an effective way of releasing ego based negativity (i.e. negative emotions, perceptions, beliefs and memories) one question shockingly drove home to me the level of disconnection we have with our hearts. The question: "As nature abhors a vacuum, once we release this ego based negativity, what do we replace it with?" My answer: "With the essence of who we are and have always been, our hearts!".

So on hearing all this, as a duty to my Heart and Myself, I feel it imperative to help bring the Human Heart back into the forefront of our work and personal development. As a result I will share here some of my clinical experiences of the crucial role that I feel both the Heart and the energy of Love play in the field of energy psychology and in the destiny of humanity.

I start by addressing the following issues:

1. How the current concept of consciousness as a mental phenomenon has deflected our attention from the Heart.

2. The awareness that the Heart is the equivalent of the Core Human Self

3. Core Human Emotions

4. Conditioned Emotions

5. The role of the Heart as an organ of perception

6. The role of the Heart as a source of immense wisdom and knowledge

7. The energy field that we call the feelings of Love

8. The healing power of Love.

9. The concept of a Divine Holographic Energy Field

10. Factors which impinge negatively on this Divine Holographic Energy Field

11. A new definition of "consciousness"

12. A new definition of illness

13. A new definition of health

14. The Body-Spirit Dichotomy

15. The Road to Enlightenment

Both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions have largely gravitated towards an understanding of consciousness and its altered states as possible doors to spiritual enlightenment. Unfortunately