Speaking for a Publication

Why write a book and get attention and loads of contacts?

Expertise can sometimes be defined by the articles, columns, responses and books you write. It does not take a lot of effort to write the articles and columns but it does take effort to write a book. Having a book behind your name shows your expertise. After all, you were able to write 300 pages on what it is you do and make references to your work through examples. What a good way to make cold calls and get people to attend your speaking engagements. Your sales efforts will be much easier once you are defined as the expert in the field. You will have something to refer to when speaking or going to a customer (or a potential customer) site.

You can readily quote the information from the book and use charts and graphs that are relevant to your topic. The audience will have an easier time believing what you say and will also likely want to meet with you for further business. You will not only sell books at the back of the room, you will also be selling your services (or that of your company) to a willing audience. Just think back to all the talks that you have attended and also think of those that made the biggest impact on you. You will find that it is likely the ones that had a book for sale. I recently attended a talk by Jack Canfield and enjoyed his presentation and bought his book "Chicken Soup for the Soul". Before purchasing the book, I would have said