Business Writing Skills II: A Web Writing Primer

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Subjects: Business, marketing, professional development

Many people are unfamiliar with business writing.
Concise writing will build your business
because you will better connect with customers and
prospects. In this four-part series I will teach you
how to make your print and web communications, and
all business correspondence, clearer, understandable,
and more direct.

Business Writing Skills II: A Web Writing Primer
-- By Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Whatever you would write on paper cut it in half. The web was designed for quick reading. Studies show that people do not read long blocks of text while surfing the web; reading from the screen is often slower than reading on paper. Therefore, be as brief and to-the-point as you can be, or risk losing your readers?

Write for scanning. Since web surfers often skim web copy, avoid using long blocks of text. Use lots of white space, bulleted and numbered lists, and short paragraphs (1 or 2 sentence paragraphs are not out of the question).

Also, begin with a short conclusion. This way, the reader will know right away if your topic is one s/he is interested in.

Keep your copy simple. No need for elevated language on the web. Once, I read that you should pretend you?re writing a TV commercial: Keep your copy short and succinct.

Write conversationally. Think of your readers as individual people rather than as a faceless ?audience.? Reading your piece out loud easily tests this. Or, have a friend read it to you. If it doesn?t flow smoothly, it is time to rework your copy.

Use nested headings. In addition to using short paragraphs, break up your copy into two or three levels of headlines and sub heads. This way, the reader can more easily scan to a topic she is interested in.

Use emphasis and hypertext.
If using long text where appropriate (say, in an in-depth article or report), it helps to break up your text into several pages connected by links.

The beauty of the web is that your interested readers will follow you to the detailed information if they want; otherwise, they can scan the general information that is nicely laid out on the first page of your

Remember to use bold and italics to emphasize
important pieces of information. Avoid underlining, though, so your readers don?t confuse underlined words with linked text.

Use the inverted pyramid.
Journalists have long been aware of the need to catch readers? attention immediately. Like newspaper readers, web surfers are also pressed for time and want to get the story right away.

The first paragraph should contain the most important information and tell what the rest of the site/page/story is about. That way, readers can scan the beginning to get the gist of the story. Start with a short conclusion; gradually get into the full story and provide more details below or on another page.

Proofread. There is no better way to make your company look incompetent than to have mistakes all over your site. I?ve seen it over and over and over again. Proof read time and time again, and then let someone else take a look at it too. Your spell-checker is not enough! It
helps to print out all the pages and edit the hard copy, since reading off the screen is tedious.

Don?t be afraid to be entertaining. Fortunately, we?ve gotten smarter over the last several years since plopping your company brochure onto the screen went out of style. Nowadays, web surfers want to be entertained.

Use humor. Use personality. Use a conversational style. The web is no place for flat, boring, unenergetic cure-for-insomnia stuff. Be enthusiastic about your product -- if you?re into it, your customers will be, too! Confidence shows!

Linda Elizabeth Alexander is a business writer specializing in
web and sales copy. Be a better writer! Subscribe to her
FREE ezine today and learn tips, trips and tools for improving
your writing skills at work!