Why Marketing In Magazines Is a Great Bang For Your Buck

Finding a great way to market that is surely going to bring in
some profits from new customers is tough predicament. That's
where marketing in magazines comes into play.

Advertising in well known magazines has a lot of advantages.
First, if people trust the magazine, they will be more likely to
trust the businesses represented there. Time Magazine, for
example, is highly respected publication; putting an
advertisement into their pages is sure to grab some interest and
give your company a good name.

It might seem a little frivolous to run an ad in a national
magazine for a small company or one that can only do local
business. But there is a little known secret-- most of those well
known magazines run regional editions that are only distributed
throughout certain areas.

Running an ad in a regional edition is cheaper than showcasing it
to an entire nation. It also has greater advantages over other
media sources such as newspapers. The color used in the glossy
pages of a nice magazine grabs attention and really gives the
product a better focus on detail than would a newspaper

One smart thing to do when advertising in a magazine for the
first time is to do a split run test. Think up two or three
different headlines for your ad that you think will bring in
responses. Ask the magazine to split the ads, meaning that one
headline will go into half the issues printed while the other
headline goes into the rest. You can code responses with numbers,
coupons, or a verbal phrase in order to find out which headline
received the most attention. The next time you run the ad, you
will know which headline works the best.

Persistance is key. If you run your ad in a magazine once or
twice, don't expect an influx of business. People will begin to
recognize and trust your name the more they see it. Try running
ads over a longer perid of time. Many magazines have special
deals where the lengthier period of ad space you purchase the
cheaper the ads become.

Tell your customer in the ad to call or write or email for free
information. Any time you get a response, you can send a
motivating sales letter and brochure to them to really grab their

Kahlia Hannah provides marketing advice and popular promotion
packages. See her low-cost direct marketing and PR deals at
http://MarketingHelp.NET Reach Kahlia at
mailto:kahlia@drnunley.com or 801-328-9006.