But I Know A Little About"9 Dotting"

Don't Know Much About "Nuthin"..But

But I know a little about "9 dotting"

In the world of cognitive restructuring we have something called 9 dotting yourself. It is basically a maze in which you have a rectangular set of dots and you are instructed to connect all of the dots without retracing or lifting your pencil.

Try as you might you cannot get all 9 of the dots connected. Why? Because you are thinking within the box. In order to connect all of the dots, you must take your line outside the box. " Gee I didn't know that I could do that" you think to yourself.

"Fine Caroline, but what does that have to do with anything?" you say.


If you are not succeeding in your endeavors maybe you are still thinking within the"box".
The box is whatever limits you have put on yourself. Most of our boxes include one of the following.
A money
B time
C.know how

Let's take a look at them one at a time.

There are many legitimate money making businesses on the internet. Most require a very minimum initial investment.(herein may lie part of the box). " If I can start my own business for this small amount, how can it make me money? " we tend to ask.

Well, here is the catch YOU HAVE TO SPEND TIME at it. Remember that you can spend time or you can spend money and in most cases you have to spend both. You have to advertise in classifieds, send out email adds, submit to search engines, and publish or advertise in ezines. There are many offline ways as well which are free.

You can do all of these things for free if you take the time to search for them.

BUT I REALLY DON'T HAVE ANY EXTRA MONEY!!! Do you drink a coke a day or eat a candy bar a day? Is there absolutely no extra money? Many of these plans have a way that if you are ambitious you can defray the cost by becoming an affiliate.


Nearly all of us are strapped for time it seems, but all of us have the same number of hours in the day. Maybe we can find a way to do some things a little more efficiently.
Maybe we can deligate some of the tasks to other family members. Or MAYBE WE HAVE TO GIVE UP SOME THINGS WE LIKE TO DO. This after all will be a temporary thing. I can think of many people who hold down a full time job, raise a family, and decide to get a college degree, or get a higher degree. They decide that for the 2 or 4 years that it will take them that they basically just "won't have a life".

The sacrafice usually is well worth it. Remember that whether we want to admit it or not, EVERYTHING has a price. The only question that we have to ask ourselves is "Are we willing to pay the price?"

****KNOW HOW****

This is like anything else that we attempt to do. There is a little learning to do. "But I don't even know how to send an email" you say. Neither did I when I started. Can you learn? Of course, you can. Your search on the internet might need to include some marketing tips. Watch for those that are just trying to sell you something. Aside from those there are many great sites that will teach you everything from email to html.

One of the things that keep us from learning is the fear of looking stupid. This is one of the great things about the internet. You can have an alias. So that unless you tell, not even your family or best friend will know all of the stupid mistakes that you make.

You may not take off and make money in record time, but most opportunities give you a time line of 2-5 years. I bet that you can learn enough to make some good money in that length of time.

****Money, Time, and Know How****

These things can be overcome and you can be on your way to a richer and more fulfilling life if you just don't "nine dot" yourself.
Caroline is the author of "The Effects of Cognitive Restructuring Program In Comparison To An Incentive Program On the Manifest Behaviors of At-Risk Droupout Students". She co-authored an article in Journal of the Institute for Rational Cognitive Therapy in 1998. To contact Caroline
"mailto"ctgainer62@yahoo.com or go online at http://ctgainer62.50megs.com
To become an affiliate go to http://tcenterprises.freeservers.com