The Secret Of Writing Persuasive Web Content

Writing persuasive web content covers a wonderful variety of writing techniques. You can use different voices, humor, inspiration, or sales copy. Every web page should have a purpose: To familiarize, to inform, or to call the reader to action (click to the next page, join a newsletter, buy a product, or sign up for a mini-course.) The writing style or technique you use for each web page should be "in tune" with the goal of that page. And the one key to writing persuasive web content -- and ultimately a successful web site -- is this: Understand Your Readers. Website owners and writers understand the purpose behind most websites is to generate income. It is a well-known fact that the majority of web readers are seeking information. These readers likely do not know that most web sites exist to make money. Think Like Your Readers When you understand this one aspect, then you will succeed in writing very effective and persuasive web content. Think like your readers, who probably have reached your site looking for help, reinforcement, or how-to-do-something. Great persuasive web content isn't a sales pitch. It's much more far-reaching than that. When a reader lands on your web page full of friendly, useful, and legitimate content about their search term, he or she will begin to trust and believe in you, the website author. Keep the elements of good web writing sharp: Familiarization, Information, and Action. Write so your readers feel familiar with your site. Speak directly to them. Help them know where they are on the website with clear navigation. Establish rapport with your readers by showing them you understand their concerns. Let them know how and why you have the means to help them. When your reader feels comfortable and familiar with you, they will spend time reading about your product or service. Write pages full of interesting, easy to read advice, facts, and information. There is no better way to show your credibility to your readers. Surprise them with the latest updates and breaking news about your subject. Give them new perspective for them to sink their teeth into. Keep It Real... Readers Will Detect When You Don't Your readers need to know you're legitimate ... and you prove this to them with your knowledge and fair assessments of your product or service. Never stop working to establish trust with your readers. Persuasive web content always leads to action. Make the desired action clear and easy for your readers to respond to. A complicated response process makes for a miserable failure! Write pages that use understandable links and simple buttons for readers to click. Be honest at all times with your implications, too. If you're retrieving their email address with the intent of sending newsletters or product updates, say so right up front. Never manipulate your reader in any way. Writing great persuasive web content appeals to the reader's intelligence and true needs. Never disrespect readers by appealing to fears and insecurities. Too many web writers have tried this and failed. Remember that you serve your own interests best by serving your reader's interests. That is the mark of a truly legitimate web site where persuasion begins naturally and becomes dynamic. The results you see will be remarkable! Copyright 2006 Trish Andrews