Free Ways of Generating Real Estate Leads

There are those agencies that offer free real estate leads unlike most agencies you find that require a two dollar or more sign up fee to start your search. Try searching for these sites for free leads and have buyers contacting you everyday. They help you increase your business prospects and meet qualified real estate leads. Their websites accommodate an Agent Directory where you can submit your profile and enlist your home online. In that way many of the prospective buyers can contact you anytime of the day. Some allow more than five homes to be listed, all for free. There are other free ways of increasing your prospective leads that only takes a good amount of credibility, image and trust. 1. REFERRALS. You can get this most valuable referral if you have established good relationships among your clients. How do you do this, here are some tips: * "Company policy" should be out of your vocabulary. Be flexible in responding to your client's needs. * Do some initiatives to know more than their initial needs and try to anticipate. Be ready with solutions for issues that may arise in the long run. * Treat your clients well with respect and truthfulness. * Learn how to get personal information like their family background, hobbies and work. You might need them in the future in dealing with them. * Set your image to be professional, credible and trustworthy and that you are there for them in the longest possible time, every step of the way. * Fulfill your promises, especially when it comes to delivery time. * Always maintain the quality of your work and never neglect your clients' needs especially after-care sales. Be sure that you have to ask them directly for referral so that this system would work to your advantage. Always thank them through cards and notes for every referral they give or offer incentives through special gifts, vouchers and discounts. 2. Aside from the REFERRAL system, your network and through circle of friends, you can generate prospective leads for free. * Of course, the easiest way to get referrals is through friends. You do not need a lot of convincing but you need to be careful and be caring to those they referred. You do not like to lose a friend. * It is important to know your friends' feedbacks about your product. Make it a habit to often ask them often about your business. * Try to ask around your network if there are companies, agencies looking for real estate agents. * Ask your friends for their testimonials, they would know better. * Keep them always informed about your business and updates through written materials.