10 Things to Check Before You Sign Your Loan Documents

You have locked your interest rate and the notary has called you to set your appointment...what do you do next! These 10 things to check before you sign your loan documents will ease your mind that you are working with a professional and getting the loan that your asked for. 1 The loan amount is correct 2. The interest rate on the note is correct 3. The way in which you hold title is correct (found on the deed of trust) 4. Names are spelt correctly 5. Address of the property is correct 6. The term of the loan is correct 7. If there is/is not a prepayment penalty 8. Mailing address is correct is different than the property address 9. If there is/is not an impound account for taxes and/or insurance 10. Review your estimated closing statement to make sure the fees are as quoted on your Good Faith Estimare You should feel comfortable knowing that you now know what questions to ask to make sure your loan documents are as you expect. Keep this list handy so the next time you refinance, buy another property or know someone who is, you can refer to it! Good luck with your new mortgage loan!