All directory small business guide: Part two

The second part of our short guide is produced to help small businesses in the UK starting out get a good grounding in sound principles which will stand them in good stead when it comes to developing their company. How Networking Can Improve Your Customer Base Networking is a hugely undervalued asset in today's businesses. Not only is it very cost effective in building customer relations, but it also allows the customer to see your company, not only as a supplier of goods or services, but also as real people that they can relate to. This in itself can greatly improve customer loyalty and lower they risk of competitors gaining advantage in your markets. Networking is itself a very broad term for gaining more contact and interaction with like minded people or customers, that could be beneficial to your business. This can include events of a more formal nature such as learning networks that are hosted by major industry players such as the CBI (The Confederation of British Industry). Or much less formal events, such as a small soir