Aicardi Syndrome

It is a disorder that is categorized by the partial or complete malfunction of the corpus callosum, a brain structure linking two hemispheres inside it. Aicardi syndrome often causes childhood seizure (intantile spasms), eye abnormality or lesions of the retina, and metal retardation. Aicardi Syndrome is also linked to microcephaly, a brain defect; microgyria, where bumps inside the brain tend to be narrow; or porecenphalic cysts, a brain condition causing fluids to fill the gaps in the brain. Further studies also indicate that a few abnormalities may include a cleft lip and vertebral body malfunction.

It is children, between three to five months, who are most often branded with Aicardi Syndrome. These children are results of normal births, but have developed the abnormality as soon as they experience brain spasms. Infantile spasms at this age causes neural synapses to close, thereby inhibiting the babies