Keep Your Blood Travel During Air Travel

Extended air travel can mean making it to a far away destination faster than you ever could by any other method of travel. However, it can also mean long exposure to uncomfortable seats, boredom, and worse, problems with circulation.

Good circulation is important for a number of reasons. Your lymph system must have good circulation at all times. The lymph is a fluid in addition to blood that is contained in each tissue in your body. The lymph system is a network of vessels and nodes that transmit the fluid to each place in your body. These nodes are essentially factories for the production of white blood cells. You might have heard that you have swollen lymph nodes when you are ill. This is because your body is working overtime to product what it needs. The lymph system does not have a pump. It only relies on the movement of our muscles to keep pressure within the system. This means you have to move around all of the time to keep your circulation up. Lymph fluid does a number of things to improve your health. First, it helps to finish the circulation of the blood. As your vessels get smaller, components are squeezed through small gaps. This helps to carry food to the cells. The lymph vessels collect the leftovers and take it back into the blood system. The blood system is then able to transfer it to your kidneys and you