What is Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts)? And what about a Conyloma Treatment?


Condyloma Acuminatum / acuminata are fleshy growths which appear in the genital area, these are more commonly known as genital warts. Condyloma are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This is a microscopic virus particle that affects the skin. It is extremely common, and affects millions of people each year. Many people do not know that there is an easy treatment / remedy for condyloma.

Condyloma Acuminatum (genital warts) are the most contagious type of HPV. Due to their location, in the genital region, they are easily passed on from one person to another during sexual intercourse. Many people with HPV may not even have any visible warts, but are carriers of the virus, and are unaware that they are spreading HPV.

Condyloma Symptoms

Condyloma appear as growths which can be whitish, red, or skin color. It is quite common for them to group together to form a cauliflower-like cluster. They are not usually painful, but may become extremely itchy.

What about Treatment?

A condyloma remedy must not contain acids or drugs. Many people use medicines or creams which contain acids to burn the warts away. This is the wrong approach! It is also not a good idea to have them burnt off or frozen using cryotherapy. All of these methods usually fail, and the warts end up growing back.

A successful, effective treatment should draw the warts out from the root upwards, so that once those warts flake away, they NEVER grow back.

Heal Warts is a treatment which does exactly that!

Click Here for more information on Heal Warts

John Black