Eye Exams - Before The Kids Go Back To School

Regardless of your age or health, it is important to have regular eye exams and start your children out with their first exams. The first eye exam is an important part of their normal growing up and should definitely be done before the kids go off to school. A national survey conducted by Vision Service Plan (VSP), the nation's leading eye care benefits provider, found that nearly seven out of ten children under age six have never had an eye examination. And, of those children who had been checked, only 30 percent had been seen by an eye care specialist. It is also a fact that nearly 20 percent of U.S. children are two or more grade levels behind in reading due to difficulty in eye control and coordination. They should also be done early if there is any eye disease in your family tree; or you are noticing your children squinting. When eye doctors give exams they are doing more than just checking to see if they need eyeglasses. The doctor will check to see if they have vision problems, red eye, dry eyes, or other eye problems as well as the general health of the eye. Parents shouldn