Practical Tips on New U.S. Dietary Guidelines

Those with web access can find new interactive tools to build personalized pyramids that take into account their age, sex and level of physical activity. Just go to Here are a few key messages:

1 Take a personalized approach to dietary advice and weight management, recognizing one size does not fit all.

2 All foods can fit into a healthful diet if consumed in moderation and balanced with regular physical activity.

3 Pay attention to calorie consumption and your portion size. Find those measuring cups and spoons and check out how much you really eat.

4 Choose plant- based foods (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) at most meals and snacks. Balance with lean protein (meat, poultry, fish, beans, tofu) and healthful fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds)

5 Focus on color when you choose produce. Deep colors (such as orange, dark green and purple) have protective nutrients.

6 Create ways to be more physically active. Thirty minutes too overwhelming? Then aim for 10 minute sessions three times a day and include cardio exercise such as walking, along with strength (workout with weights) and flexibility (stretching) activities.