Tooth - Organ Relationships: Tooth 4, 5, 12, and 13 Upper First and Second Bicuspids

Abstract: There is a little known but important connection between individual teeth and specific organs of the body. This connection is related to the meridians used by acupuncturists. A knowledgeable practitioner will attempt to determine if the source problem is with the tooth or the organ. Sometimes a serious organ problem can be resolved by the treatment or extraction of the related tooth. Other times, the organ is the source and nothing done to the teeth will help until the organ problem has been resolved.

This information is offered as educational information only. It is not intended to be used by the reader as diagnostic data nor should any form of treatment be initiated based solely on the information contained here. -- Dr, Dennis Raney, ND, author.

The number 4, 5, 12 and 13 Upper First and Second Bicuspids

Teeth number 4 and 5 are on the right side of the body and generally affect organs on the right side, while numbers 12 and 13 are on the left and generally affects organs on that side. Sometimes there is a