
A significant observation concerning social trends is existence of enormous pressure toward mediocrity.


Many people living in impoverished countries may look upon wealth and materialism within western culture, developed nations, and within the United States with great contempt, disgust, and disdain. The truth is deep pockets of poverty exist in developed countries as well as the United States.

People may wrongly believe that wealthy developed nations are trying to evolve toward an even more gaudy materialistic culture. People may wrongly believe developed nations are trying to evolve into a culture empty and devoid of all spiritual significance and meaningfulness.

Every society has flaws and faults. Despite the flaws and faults of free democratic societies one has to admire openness and willingness to grapple with profound spiritual struggles and issues.

It is a very valid noble cause to encourage people to place more emphasis upon spirituality and less emphasis upon material things. Can de-emphasize of the material world God created go too far?

A significant observation concerning social trends is existence of enormous pressure toward mediocrity. Extreme poverty found throughout the world (including the United States) is round and twisted like a tourniquet to prevent people from desiring more material wealth, goods, and services. Extreme poverty serves a memetic function of invalidating material wealth.

Memetic existence of enormous pressure toward mediocrity alludes to a vision of the future, which may include assignment of a bunk bed and a standard issue gray wool blanket to each and every person housed inside gigantic dormitories where swelling masses of the human population live.

Who would want to live in a world where an individuals choices and options are severely restricted and limited to almost nil?

Life is about making choices. In a brown bag lunch study of ancient Scripture a question was posed,