3 Ways to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Unfortunately one in nine women will develop Breast Cancer, and it is important that women screen themselves weekly for changes in their breasts. Most women will find a lump at some time, but these are usually lumps of fibrous tissue, and are generally not harmful. Any unusual changes in your breasts should be mentioned to a doctor. For more information on self screening log on to www.breastcancer.org

Breast Cancer has been linked to 3 factors:
1. Exposure to natural (produced by the body) and synthetic (chemicals in the environment) Oestrogen (a hormone).
2. The way your liver breaks down and deals with both of these.
3. The speed at which these breakdown products are removed from the gut.

We can reduce or risk of developing Breast cancer in three ways linked to this:
1. Minimizing exposure to synthetic oestrogen.
2. Keeping our liver healthy and in good working order.
3. Keeping our intestines and colon (gut) healthy and working well.

How can we do these things? Well, synthetic Oestrogen