Principles of Selling for Professional Practices - What Process Works for You?

In this time of seeming constant change, no professional practices or firms can be complacent about their future. The threats come from various directions, some obvious and visible such as larger merged firms or new starts, and some less so, such as internet services. Unless you take these seriously, what does your future hold? It is important that, regardless of size, you look seriously at what you do to generate fees and to find new clients. This article covers some of the key aspects you need to think about and gives some ideas for how you can be more proactive and more effective in generating revenues. We offer some things to think about for identifying the best ways you can do this for your practice and the type of market you work in. If you start to apply these principles you can build a more sustainable business with more guaranteed revenue flow.

Traditionally, most professional firms have had to grow through forms of networking, referrals and personal relationships, because of legal restrictions. However, these constraints have been removed and, the market dynamics have changed in many areas. The