Becoming Who You Truly Are

Wisdom and compassion are linked together. One cannot be truly compassionate without having wisdom. Wisdom is seeing the world as it really is.

Once you recognize compassion you will have wisdom, when you have wisdom you will feel compassion. As human beings we all try our best to bring about a world based on kindness and compassion.

It does not matter whether you look at religion or philosophy, as science, as development or politics. Wherever there has been human society it has manifested wisdom and compassion.

Living the way we do causes us to have a tendency to be involved with our own selfishness, our own likes and dislikes. We develop walls and start to isolate ourselves from others around us. What we need to do is to reverse the effects of the years and return to who we truly are.

We do not allow the openness that can be felt within us to express itself. Two fundamental things are our hopes and our fears. Nobody needs to or wants to suffer we would all much prefer to be happy.

The problem is not with the world or with the people in the world the problem lays with who we are. Wisdom is in everybody, it is not something that can be brought, heard or received from outside. It is to do with your involvement with the external environment and the distraction of your motions. This causes a layer or veil that prevents you from observing who you really are. Most people do not give themselves time and little space to use their inner wisdom or to observe their self before taking action in a situation.

Our society should be based upon peace, harmony, wisdom and compassion and it is not going to come about unless you begin to understand you