This is a philosophical view that is supported by significant scientific inquiry. This analysis tracks the evolution of biological life here on earth in four interdependent discussions. It must be understood that the evolution of biological life has necessarily been a continuous unbroken process but that here I am treating this as if it can be discussed in four separate discussions - each being dependent upon the context of the others. The first discussion is on existence (not to be confused with the false idea of beginning). The second is on atomic activity. The third discussion is on nuclear activity and finally the fourth is on biological life. Physical evidence supporting each of these discussions is available to normal human sensual perception and therefore does not involve nor does it require that one possess a full scientific or philosophic background.


Both philosophically and scientifically it can be said that life exists at the fundamental level of physical existence. Life is described as being a very specific naturally occurring eternally existing energy process taking place within and between the fundamental substance of the physical universe referred to singularly as: matter (and its energy). A full scientific identification of these self-sustaining self-generated energy properties occurring at and within the fundamental physical substance of the universe remains to be developed. However some scientific inquiry is beginning to offer various versions of