Network Marketing: Free Enterprise Exemplified

Network marketing is a business model based on the concept of leverage that is being endorsed by Robert Kiyosaki......

"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business."

Robert Kiyosaki

Some people get network marketing confused with pyramid schemes. Pyramids without products where only money is exchanged are illegal and have given network marketing a bad name.

However, the pyramid the shape all business takes..... in traditional business you have a CEO at the top....then a President.....then maybe a few Vice Presidents....and so on down the the lowly guy in the company mail room.....

That kind of business model is DELEGATIONAL..... and the CEO at the top makes more money then the Vice Presidents below......and the VP's make more money than the folks below.....etc etc on down the chain....

In network marketing.....though this business model is pyramid shaped......everyone has an equal opportunity .

Why?.....because of fact, a good definition of Network Marketing is the single word, leverage. If you want to go to point B from Point A..... wouldn't you get there faster if you had help? Another way to say it.... can you effectively and efficiently reach Point B working alone? Or would you reach Point B faster with a network of people helping you? Those "helpers" represent LEVERAGE to get to Point B . In terms of work, wouldn't 100 people, each working 20, 30 or 40 hrs a week, be able to accomplish more than one person working 40 hrs a week? Network marketing gives you the ability to leverage other people's efforts for mutual benefit.

The beauty of network marketing is everyone in the network has the same opportunity; an equal opportunity to get from point A to point B, as you do. In fact.... if any of them work harder or smarter than you do, they can get to point B before you do!

Network marketing incorporates leveraging of TIME and WORK EFFORT.

Probably the best explanation of leverage is illustrated in a quote by J. Paul Getty, who created one of the world's greatest fortunes:

"I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts."

The free enterprise system is exemplified in the network marketing business model. By educating and coaching the people downline, you help them grow their businesses which are part of your business. Network marketing is a collaborative approach to business. It is smart, efficient, fair, and a win:win for all parties who are willing to learn and grow and help others to do the same.

How many people today feel very confident about their financial future? How secure is yours? Much of the population is worried about their company downsizing. How content are you with your current situation? Many people wish they had more autonomy . How much freedom do you have? Do you have the freedom to choose your days off? Are you still working at a job which subjects you to "performance evaluations"? What if you found a way to create a higher quality of life without risking your current situation? Would you be interested? If so, network marketing may be the vehicle to create the life you desire.

Pam Murphy,B.S.,RRT has a thriving network marketing wellness business and is completing a Masters in Holistic Nutrition.