Stop Trying to Motivate Me! Part II

Stop trying to motivate me! Part II Or Why are you trying to make me angry

Throughout our industries, both public and private, there persists a perception that motivation is a commodity to be handed out by the manager at his own discretion.

Nobody seems to consider the effect of what would happen, if instead of finding time for motivational speeches and conferences, we spent the same amount of time and energy looking for the reasons that people become demotivated in the first place, then simply get rid of those reasons.

Let us start with the assumption that most people want to do a good job.

We don't get up in the morning hoping that we will miss the train or that we will fail to land the big order. We get up because we want to catch that train so that we can get to work and land that big order.

We want to do a good job but we are prevented from doing it by circumstances that we can