Indian Manufacturing Industry Coming the Age

In a sign of Indian manufacturing coming of age, Bharti Teletech on Wednesday said a range of fixed phones which can read the mobile phone books are ready to launch in last of this year. These cordless fixed line phones not only read the mobile phone book, but can store it. The result will be a land line with dictionary equivalent to mobile phone.

The innovation takes Bharti close to making a phone which is nearly interchangeable with mobile phone and force regulatory authority to make new regulations. Bharti said it has told its engineers to develop a patch card to read mobile memory and convert it to be accessible with fixed phone. Texts are done and we are ready to launch this service.

These phones will be similar like a conventional phone, but have added benefits like cellular dictionary. In a fresh innovation Beetal, the flagship of Bharti teletech brand is introducing functionaries similar to mobile phone like battery backup, SMS, automatic voice control, polyphonic tone and caller line identification, features which are no longer luxury of mobile phone.

Bharti Teletech also has range of fixed line phone on GSM, which are under trail and are going to ready for launch in next year. These fixed cellular phone or