The Four Things You Need For A Successful Workout Program

When you decided that you wanted to start a workout program, how did you decide where to begin? There are thousands of options. Which one should you choose? Will it work?, No one wants to waste time doing exercises that don't get them in shape. You may be one of those people who is just tired of going to the gym or someone embarking on a new journey towards better health and fitness. Whichever you may be, there are four things that you MUST have in order to have a Successful Workout Program.

#1 MOTIVATION ... Everyone wants to look good and be healthy and everyone is motivated by something different.

For some people, it's an event like a wedding or a class reunion. For some people, it's an emotion...something that they want, that they feel they MUST have. Other people are motivated by competition and some through the fact that it's just fun! Which ever type of person you are, there is one simple fact...find what motivates you and you're guaranteed success!

#2 A SUPPORT SYSTEM ... One thing is for sure! You need support from people who are doing what you are doing and from people who have done it, but most importantly, from your family/friends & loved ones. You need to receive positive reinforcement and you're going to need help...whether it's watching the kids for an hour while you workout, consistently praising you for your dedication and commitment or eating healthy foods along with you...the support that you receive from these people will have a profound effect on the success of your program and on how you feel about yourself.

#3 A PLAN ... Nothing in your life was achieved without some sort of plan and the same goes for your workout goals. You need a plan! Not for the next 6 months, but for tomorrow. You need to know, before you go to bed at night, what your workout will consist of tomorrow and when you're going to do it. When you wake up in the morning, it should be one of the first things that you think of and you MUST follow through with the plan!

#4 COMMITMENT/WILLINGNESS TO WORK HARD ... It's not easy to get into shape. Nothing worth doing is ever easy and if it was, everyone would do it. Be Committed! Have faith in yourself & keep working hard! If you stay focused, I promise that your hard work and perserverance will pay off!

Now that you have the Four Things That You Need For A Successful Workout Program, find it, start it and stick to it!

Yours in Fitness & Health,

Audrey Scott Shintai Fitness, LLC